The forest is the greatest living organism on our planet, which includes the three kingdoms of plants, animals and mushrooms. It is able to find, process and attract everything necessary for life - water, air and soil. The forest has a huge impact on the composition of the atmosphere we breathe, and also creates the weather on the continents.

The amazing number 22
is the participation of people in
afforestation and reforestation

Afforestation and reforestation

The Ecological Afforestation Project is engaged in the preparation and implementation of afforestation and reforestation for the conservation of biodiversity on our planet Earth.

Restoring the beneficial interaction between man and nature, we restore the natural balance. We know that desertification is a reversible process. It is enough to have a desire to use the experience of other successful projects, and the desert can turn into a forest. We don't talk about problems. We solve problems.

It was written to me by people who care

what we plan to create

a forest instead of a desert.

The forest on earth is getting smaller. It is very important to grow forest where there has been nothing to cut for a long time :(


Dear Sergey! What you do is very important in our time. By creating forests, you improve the breathing of all people on our planet. Thank you for what you are doing!

Уважаемый Сергей! То, что вы делаете, очень важно в наше время. Создавая леса Вы улучшаете дыхание всех людей на нашей планете. Спасибо Вам за то, что Вы делаете!

Мария М.

The forest is a large home for many of its inhabitants. When it disappears, the wild animals go too. When the forest appears, the animals will reappear.

Hutan adalah rumah besar bagi banyak penghuninya. Ketika menghilang, hewan liar juga pergi. Ketika hutan muncul, hewan akan muncul kembali.


Nowadays, there is not much forest. I really wanted forest areas to be close to fields, cities and pastures. Where the land turns to desert.

В наше время много леса не бывает. Я бы очень хотел, чтобы лесные участки были рядом с полями, городами и пастбищами. Там, где земля превращается в пустыню.