The forest absorbs carbon dioxide

The forest absorbs

carbon dioxide.

The forest, with the number of different plant species, is able to absorb the maximum possible amount of carbon dioxide. Forests not only absorb carbon dioxide, which is considered the main cause of accelerated climate change, but also store it.

Young forest accumulates carbon rapidly

Young forest accumulates carbon rapidly.

Thanks to the ability to photosynthesis, the forest can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, thereby mitigating the effects of climate change. For example, a young growing forest quickly accumulates carbon in the wood, branches and roots of trees.

Forest stores carbon dioxide

The forest accumulates carbon dioxide while it develops.

Forests are known to accumulate carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. New areas of forests will indeed increase the absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Therefore, it is very important to create new young forests.

Forests have the ability to absorb carbon dioxide

22 tons of carbon dioxide per year is the average amount per hectare of growing forest.

In areas where the climate is cold or dry, forests have less ability to absorb carbon dioxide. In most cases, the ability to increase the capacity to absorb carbon dioxide depends on the density of the trees.

cutting down trees

Cutting down forests, we are in no hurry to create new ones instead

Cutting down trees and extracting minerals and other natural resources on their territory will inevitably lead to the degradation of forest ecosystems. This will lead to an increase in fires, the invasion of pests and diseases.

Industrial plants emit more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere

Equatorial and tropical forests are more effective in this.

The forest can regulate the composition of atmospheric air, including the concentration of carbon dioxide. However, forests will never be able to absorb more carbon dioxide than industrial enterprises emit it into the atmosphere.

Forest fires and carbon emissions

Forest fires and carbon emissions.

Forest fires release a lot of carbon dioxide stored in the forest. If people are more active in complying with fire safety rules, the number of fires and the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by the forest will be significantly reduced.

Young forests absorb a lot of carbon dioxide

Creation of dense plantings of trees.

It is very important to create good dense plantings of highly productive stands. By caring for and protecting from fires, you can truly maintain the carbon balance. By lowering the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with young forests, we improve the air for breathing. Help us plant trees, because we create forests for the environment, not for business.

Forests store carbon dioxide

Remaining forests store carbon dioxide.

And, of course, we should not forget about wild forests, minimally affected by economic activity. It is in them that a huge amount of accumulated carbon dioxide is stored for many years.