Each person emits from 2 to 22 tons of carbon dioxide per year

The carbon footprint is the result of greenhouse gas emissions produced directly or indirectly by each person. By creating new forests, we reduce the amount of carbon dioxide.

Trees reduce carbon dioxide

The total amount of carbon dioxide created per person averages 6 tons per year. To reduce the amount of carbon dioxide, it is very important that each person plant at least 22 trees a year.

Carbon footprint keeps you warm

A carbon footprint is the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as a result of human activities. Its ability to retain heat raises the average surface temperature of the Earth. The climate is changing, and the consequences are catastrophic: droughts, fires and other natural disasters.

The weather is changing

towards warming

Previously, only scientists could see the impact of the carbon footprint. But now climate change is visible to all people. The transition from cold to warm became more abrupt and unexpected. Sharp rises in temperature, almost every year, become maximum.

Temperatures in the
oceans are rising

The climate on our planet is changing rapidly. And one of the reasons is the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, or the well-known CO2 carbon dioxide. Under their influence, the lower layers of the atmosphere and the surface of the planet heat up and, as a result, the temperature of the world ocean rises and glaciers melt.

Humans are producing

carbon dioxide faster and faster

A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide produced by the activities of people, businesses or governments. The accumulation of carbon dioxide creates a conditional barrier that keeps heat on the Earth's surface.

By creating forests,

we save our world

How to reduce your carbon footprint in everyday life? Everyone can make a personal contribution to decarbonization. To do this, you need to review the daily habits in some areas of your life. If it is not possible to plant trees on your own, help us.