The story of how I decided

to create new forests

I was born and raised in an ordinary Siberian village of Kharat. As a child, I walked through the forest, as if in a park, in the damp shade of tall pines and slender aspens. Even then, the forest became a very interesting place for me, where there was always something new and magical. Picking mushrooms and berries was an interesting and educational activity for me.

Hi all!
Website author: Sergey A Markov

Gradually, as I got older, I began to see some areas of the forest being cut down. New deposits have appeared in place of other areas. One large logging company harvested timber from the surrounding forest. Every day, timber trucks passed through my village, transporting 100 thousand cubic meters of wood per year. In 1991, the Soviet Union suddenly collapsed, and this year I turned 13 years old.
After the collapse of the USSR, a different time came. One large logging enterprise was replaced by many small loggers, who over the course of a decade and a half, along with a powerful hurricane, felled the remains of large trees. There is not a hectare of untouched forest left.
Now a walk through the forest where I spent my childhood, along the same route, turned into constant climbing over piles of garbage and dead wood under the scorching sun or into thickets of young bushes that I had never seen before. Finding mushrooms and berries has become almost impossible.
The hot and rainy weather that used to make summer very pleasant gave way to drought and cold winds in May and June. Our two small rivers, deep and rich in fish, began to become shallow, and after the rains, on the contrary, they began to overflow heavily. I have seen how quickly the destruction of a forest can turn an area into a desert. We have experienced about 20 years of constant drought.

It will be many decades before our forest recovers and again creates the weather that I remember from childhood. Now I would really like to do something to bring this moment closer. But watching how the forest licks its wounds, how young aspens fill the space among the fallen trees, how dense growth of pine fills the sites of severe forest fires and abandoned fields scorched by fire and sun, I understand that the best thing we can do now is not to disturb the young trees .
However, what happened led me to a new meaning in life. I learned how forests shape the weather and cause rain. Forests help many animals live. But the main thing is that forests absorb carbon dioxide and thus maintain the amount of oxygen in the air, and also maintain the rate of increase in the average temperature on our planet.


I recently saw news that the Australian government intends to plant at least 1 billion trees on the continent to help improve the Earth's atmosphere and climate. This decision is related to the Paris Climate Agreement, designed to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and improve air quality on the planet.

Of course, planting trees where they used to grow is a good idea. But people cut down forests for their needs such as agriculture and forestry. Obviously, taking land away from agriculture to plant forests is not the best way to solve problems. This will create new problems. Forestry must independently, without government or environmental projects, restore deforested forests. This is their environmental and economic responsibility.

However, there are places on our planet where the point of no return, thanks to our efforts, has already been passed. Nature is already rebuilding into a less friendly or even aggressive form of the harsh desert. The people who caused the change may leave such places to avoid starvation. But many species of animals and plants do not have this opportunity and are doomed to extinction. We can talk about it and do nothing. But we can try to stop desertification or TURN THE DESERT INTO A GREEN FOREST

The goal of my project is to transform a desert area into a milder climate for further use. In the first 5-10 years it will be possible to introduce beekeeping. Agroforestry in the surrounding areas will be possible in a few more years.

I'm open to talking about tree planting technology, rainwater retention and all the intricacies of this work. I am ready to move for permanent residence to work in the chosen location.

My decision to become professionally involved in restoring the disturbed ecological balance of our planet was dictated by life experience and spiritual aspiration.

I'm always ready to communicate!

Человек, который придумал создавать лес в пустыне
Sergey A Markov

My main profession

Creation of new forests where desert has formed in our time.